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Chocolate Blueberry Protein Pancakes

Sometimes (though not often!!) I feel like starting my day with something a bit more substantial than a smoothie - usually when I am fighting cravings. Don't fight'em, beat'em...with these insanely delicious and nutritious pancakes, made with chocolate protein powder and just a few simple ingrdients and perfect for a weekend brunch or after a workout!

You don't can use whatever protein powder you have - if it isn't chocolate but you want the chocolate flavour, just add a couple tsp of cacao or cocoa. The same goes for berries, the needn't have to be blueberries, or any for that matter, as delightful as they are!

Whisk together:

2/3 cup of coconut milk

1 mashed banana

2 servings of vegan chocolate protein powder (I used Nutra Organics)

1/2 cup of gluten free, paleo or wholemeal flour (not coconut)

1 tsp baking powder

Heat a pan with a little oil, and spoon in heaped tablespoons of the mixture. Dot several blueberries in each and fry until bubbling before flipping.

Turn out on to a paper towel and serve with extra fresh berries, maple syrup and coconut cream!

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