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Goodness Dinner Bowl

I absolutely love dinner time - and I love things that have different components, lots of variety and lots of delicious colours, flavours and textures. One of the difficulties of eating meat free, is that often thinking of a 'non-carby' main mel is really tricky, so having a bowl of lots of different elements is a great way to keep things interesting and sustainable.

This 'goodness bowl' has 6 little elements, mostly raw with the exception of the cooked quinoa and pumpkin. I added quinoa as it is full of protein and is a great substitute for rice!

To make this little dinner (or lunch) for one, you will need:

3 tbsp cooked quinoa (I boil in in salted water for about 10-15 mins)

Half a cup of cooked pumpkin (same deal as above)

Half a cup of frozen peas - I don't cook these as they thaw when mixed with the pumpkin and quinoa.

Mix together, season with a little olive oil, salt and pepper and any herbs or spices you desire!

I then mixed together:

Half a cup of halved cherry tomatoes

Half a cup of sliced raw green beens

1 tsp homemade basil pesto

And I served both of these with:

Half an avocado, mashed with lemon and salt and pepper

Slice cucumber

Grated raw beetroot

A handful of chickpeas

I drizzled with homemade ranch dressing which was:

Half a cup of raw cashews, soaked overnight

Half a cup of water

Juice of one lemon

A clove of garlic

1 tbsp onion (chopped and soaked in iced water for 10 mins)

Salt and pepper

Blend together and serve.

Because it has lots of little bits and pieces, I suggest making a double serving - one for lunch the next day!


K x

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