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Raspberry Fudge Brownie Balls

Long name, I know - but that is what they are! I have had many, many requests for 'bliss balls' (I guess I make too many smoothies!), which I am guessing is because school and uni are back, and people are looking for 'on the go', healthy snacks.

Bliss balls are probably one of my favourite things to make (and eat), I love making them a little decadent, but still healthy, so that I have snacks on hand that are both delicious and nourising (also, they help my sugar cravings and keep me on track!).

I really love all types of bliss balls; apricot, lemon, ginger - you name it! But most of all, I loooove chocolate ones. They are the best for fooling my brain in to thinking I am having something naughty, when really, I am having a little ball of nutritious goodness! I like to keep them quite small, (1-2 mouthful size) and I usually have one or two as a breakfast on the run, or with my afternoon coffee, instead of a biscuit.

So here is my receipe for these little fudgy treats!

P.S. you can use any berry you like (or none, if you prefer!)

In a high speed food processor, process together:

1 cup of raw cashews

1 cup of raw almonds

1/2 cup of raw walnuts

3 tbsp of chia seeds

1/2 cup of dried cranberries

1 1/2 cup of pitted medjool dates (you could use dried dates, but soak them in boiling water first)

1 tbsp melted coconut oil

3 tbsp cacao

1 cup of fresh, or frozen raspberries

Roll in to balls and store in the fridge.

You can also roll them in coconut, seeds, cacao nibs - anything really, for a bit of extra delight!


K x

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